We ship your items out immediately after receiving them from the sellers, but you might not receive the order on the same day. In general, you will receive your item within 7 business working days. You will receive an email of your order confirmation shortly after you’ve placed it.

If you don’t receive such an email, please go to your Spam folder and see if you can find it (To avoid doing the same process again, please mark “Not as Spam” to receive the emails in the future directly into your Inbox). This is important for your convenience, if you haven’t received the order confirmation email in your mailbox, you won’t be able to receive the email with delivery notification and tracking information.

Important notes:

  • If the shipment has arrived in your country and no response is received from you then your shipment will be returned back to the origin country. If this happens, we will refund you the product cost with customs charges if applicable. Shipping charges will be non-refundable.
  • Upon the receiving of the shipment, if you find any of your items are missing then you will have to inform us within 3 days. we will not be able to accept your concern if received beyond this timeframe.
  • Sometimes, a shipment can be stuck in the customs department and may require a declaration or additional documents. If you fail to provide the requested declaration or additional documents then it will be impossible for us to give you refund because custom authorities will confiscate your shipment.
  • In rare cases, your shipment can be returned back to the origin due to non-submission of the complete document, then we may refund the cost of product only.

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